Our distinguished education and language experts ensure that You TELL Me Stories picture ebook apps meet the high quality standards both they, and you, want for your children.
Lydia H. Soifer, Ph.D.
Language and Learning Specialist
Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY
Marjorie Gillis, Ed.D
President, Literacy How, Inc. North Haven, CT
Research Affiliate, Haskins Laboratories, (formal affiliate of Yale University) New Haven, CT
Christina Taharally, Ed.D
Associate Professor & Coordinator
Early Childhood Masters Programs
Campus Academic Leader, CUNY/DOE Pre-K Scholars Program
School of Education
Hunter College of the City University of New York
Luis O. Reyes, Ph.D
NYS Board of Regents, Member at Large
Director of Education, Center for Puerto Rican Studies
Hunter College of the City University of New York
Founding Member of the Latino Coalition for Early Care and Education
Linda Roth, M.S.
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction (retired)
Valley Stream UFSD Thirteen, Valley Stream, New York
Masters of Science, Special Education, Certificate of Advanced Study Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York
Judith Rovinger, M.S.
Adjunct Faculty, Palmer School of Information and Library Science, Long Island University,
Westchester Campus, Purchase, New York
Lynn Rubin, M.A.
Educational Therapist and Consultant
Masters of Arts, Special Education, Learning Disabilities, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
Arthur Yorinks
Children’s Book Writer
Author of the Caldecott Medal winner, “Hey, Al”