New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center Department of Community Health Outreach and Reach out and Read.
Reach Out and Read is a national hospital-based pre-literacy program that links reading aloud with giving books to children aged six months to five years during their primary health care visits. The program was initiated by the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Ambulatory Care Network, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian and the Community Pediatrics of Columbia University in 1997, and is today one of the largest of 3,000 Reach Out and Read programs nationwide.
Our complimentary YTMSF Language Builds Literacy Program is being implemented at pediatric outreach clinics at NY Cornell and Columbia Presbyterian Hospitals in conjunction with their Reach Out and Read programs
For more information, visit New York Presbyterian
Reach out and Read
Ronald McDonald House- New York, NY
Ronald McDonald House New York provides temporary housing for pediatric cancer patients and their families in a strong, supportive and caring environment, which encourages and nurtures the development of child-to-child and parent-to-parent support systems.
YTMSF provides an ipad, free picture book apps in English and Spanish, as well as Bluebee Pals to support the language and literacy needs for both parent and child. Reading aloud with YTMS picture book apps create the opportunity for children to develop oral language critical for literacy, and at the same time emotionally bond with their parents/caregivers.
For more information, visit
Bluebee Pals
Bluebee Pals are plush talking educational learning tools. The innovative technology includes lip synchronization that allows the stuffed animal’s “mouth” to move while you’re reading storybooks, engaging in learning apps or singing songs.
Bluebee Pals and Apps are a marriage of today’s advanced technology and a perfect educational accessory for all tablets and laptop computers.
YTMSF picture book apps have been used with Bluebee Pals by various therapists, teachers, and organizations such as Ronald McDonald House in NYC, and the Jessie Baker School, a public special education school located in Elk- Grove, CA., the first public school in California dedicated to teaching students with severe disabilities. Bluebee Pals are “tech companions” that support educational development and are considered a leading “Assistive Technology Tool” supporting learning.
For more information, visit
Worldwide at least 793 million people remain illiterate. Two-thirds of them are women. LitWorld is changing that.
Every year on the first Wednesday of March, World Read Aloud Day calls global attention to the importance of reading aloud and sharing stories.
WRAD motivates children, teens, and adults worldwide to celebrate the power of words and creates a community of readers taking action to show the world that the right to literacy belongs to all people.
By raising our voices together on this day we show the world’s children that we support their future: that they have the right to read, to write, and to share their stories.
Read Aloud. Change the World.
For more information, visit
Read Aloud 15 MINUTES is a non-profit organization that is working to make reading aloud every day for at least 15 minutes the new standard in child care. When every child is read aloud to for 15 minutes every day from birth, more children will be ready to learn when they enter kindergarten, more children will have the literacy skills needed to succeed in school, and more children will be prepared for a productive and meaningful life after school.
Reading aloud is the single most important thing a parent or caregiver can do to improve a child’s readiness to read and learn.
By making 15 minutes of daily reading aloud the new parenting standard, we will change the face of education in this country.
For more information, visit