Enjoy quality reading time with your child, building literacy and language skills
“The greater the number of words children heard from their parents and caregivers … the higher their IQ and the better they did in school.”
New York Times, 4/10/13
From “Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children” by Hart & Risley, 1995
You TELL Me Stories were created by educators and language experts to show you HOW to read to your child in a way that stimulates conversation and builds listening, thinking and language skills.
Downloaded to your iPad, iPhone and iPod touch You TELL Me Stories children’s e-book apps let you:
Acquire simple techniques for turning routine storytelling into truly interactive learning experiences between you and your child.
Read to your child in a way that moves beyond just the words on the page with WordWinks – on-screen comments and questions woven into the story to stimulate conversation, build vocabulary and maximize comprehension.
Retell, Record & Share – Give your child the special gift of practicing storytelling skills by thinking the story through and re-arranging pictures from the e-book in the correct order. Then you can record your child’s own version of the story and email it to teachers, Grandma and other loved ones … right from the app!
Enjoy quality time with your child anywhere you take your device.
Educate your child even when you’re not available with built-in narration by a master teacher along with engaging and entertaining character voices.